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Two Adaptive Reuse Bills Pass California Assembly  

state legislative priorities

Downtown Assemblymember Miguel Santiago has proposed two bills, Assembly Bill 2909 and Assembly Bill 2910, to make adaptive reuse projects easier.

With the changing nature of work post-pandemic, there is a need for building owners to have greater flexibility with the use of their buildings. Office utilization has changed at the same time our state is experiencing a housing crisis.

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CRE Goes on Offense in Sacramento

planning permit

Our new lobbyist in the state capitol is wasting no time getting started! He has put forward two time-saving (and money-saving) bills.
One is to limit how long a city can take to plan-check before an applicant can hire an external professional.
The other would limit legal proceedings meant to delay evictions.

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Rain, Rain, (Won’t) Go Away

Two weeks after a powerful storm hit the region, Los Angeles faces a new round of heavy rain. The super-saturated region faces an increased risk of flooding and mudslides that could impact day-to-day operations.

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Active Shooter Preparedness

disaster management

Public safety is always a top concern for our members at Regional Roundtables. However, recent headlines about shooting tragedies have added a new safety sub-topic for discussion: active shooter preparedness.

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Renegotiating Contracts: How to Craft Win-Win Scenarios

There is little doubt that the global spread of an unknown virus unleashed unprecedented problems for American business, and the impact on commercial real estate is both wide and deep. But beyond the problems that every developer, landlord or tenant must face, there are also opportunities that can be identified …

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Are You Seeing Cracks in Your Building? What You Should Know

On the heels of the tragic collapse of the Surfside Condominium, Alpha Structural, Inc. was inundated with calls from concerned building owners, property managers and tenants throughout Los Angeles & Orange County. We have put together this article delineating various types of cracking and the urgency for repair.

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