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BOMA International Fights for Federal Support of CRE Friendly Policies 

June 4, 2024
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American Rescue Plan

Guest Author BOMA International fights for laws and policies that help the U.S. commercial real estate industry at the federal level.   Here’s how they’re working for you:  Disaster Readiness: They support the PREPARE Act (HR 2966). This bill would offer affordable loans to small businesses so they can prepare for disasters. By getting ready beforehand,…

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LA Metro Responds to Rise in Crime 

May 31, 2024
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Guest Author A pilot program in North Hollywood is testing new ideas for LA Metro to invest in, while the Metro Board votes to boost security on their transit lines.  The system will begin testing a “Tap to Exit” program requiring riders to verify their paid fare as they leave the system.   A recent report…

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Two Adaptive Reuse Bills Pass California Assembly  

May 28, 2024
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state legislative priorities

Downtown Assemblymember Miguel Santiago has proposed two bills, Assembly Bill 2909 and Assembly Bill 2910, to make adaptive reuse projects easier.

With the changing nature of work post-pandemic, there is a need for building owners to have greater flexibility with the use of their buildings. Office utilization has changed at the same time our state is experiencing a housing crisis.

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Janitorial Bills Pass California Assembly

May 21, 2024
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Two high-cost janitorial bills continue to advance through the legislative process, with both now in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Assembly Bill 2374 expands requirements for displaced janitors, and Assembly Bill 2364 imposes production rate limits.
Both bills represent new costs for an industry still reeling from market uncertainty.
The impact of the tentative labor agreement on the bills remains to be seen.

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Navigating California’s Revised Budget: Implications for CRE 

May 15, 2024
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Guest Author The Governor’s revised budget proposal aims to close the $27.6 billion budget shortfall for the current fiscal year and the projected $28.4 billion deficit for the next year.  What You Need to Know California’s revised budget proposal aims to close massive deficits, but the cost-cutting measures could have significant ripple effects on the…

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City Aims to Use Performance Standards to Decarb Existing Buildings

May 13, 2024
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Assessment Roll 2021 Assessor Prang

Guest Author The City of Los Angeles is developing a new program focused on decarbonizing existing 20,000 Sq. Ft. residential and commercial buildings.   This program will be developed by LA’s Department of Building & Safety in alignment with the city’s Green New Deal and stems from an existing building decarbonization ordinance previously passed.  What You…

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CA CRE Alert: Significant Legislative Bills That Could Impact Your Business 

May 11, 2024
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Guest Author BOMA Cal is actively engaging in advocacy efforts in Sacramento, focusing on pivotal bills that could influence the commercial real estate sector. Read more about the priority bills here.  What You Need to Know   Bills Supporting Business Growth:  AB 2433 makes it easier to get building permits by offering different fee options and…

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Empowering Property Managers: Your Guide to Fire Life Safety Compliance 

May 7, 2024
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Don’t miss out on the ultimate guide to fire life safety compliance tailored specifically for property managers of commercial buildings!

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Mayor’s State of the City Highlights City’s Budget Woes

May 7, 2024
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Mayor Karen Bass recently delivered her second State of the City speech, in which she discussed the budget shortfall and increasing crime rates.

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Glendale City Council Split on Taxes

May 2, 2024
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At the Glendale City Council’s first budget study session, the city council was presented with ideas for new taxes, including a transfer and parcel tax.
The other proposed taxes included a business license tax and a marijuana tax proposal.

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