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City Aims to Use Performance Standards to Decarb Existing Buildings

Assessment Roll 2021 Assessor Prang

The City of Los Angeles is developing a new program focused on decarbonizing existing 20,000 Sq. Ft. residential and commercial buildings.  

This program will be developed by LA's Department of Building & Safety in alignment with the city's Green New Deal and stems from an existing building decarbonization ordinance previously passed. 

What You Need to Know 

If you own or manage a property larger than 20,000 square feet, you'll be directly affected. 

Here's a breakdown of the key points: 

  • Phased Approach: The implementation will be divided into phases. Phase 1 focuses on larger buildings, while Phase 2 will target smaller buildings and develop prescriptive strategies. 
  • Building Performance Standards: These standards will say how much less energy and carbon emissions buildings should use as time goes on. You can pick how to reach these goals, but first, experts will study which parts of the building can be improved to save the most energy and money. 
  • Baseline Establishment: Energy and carbon baselines will be set using existing reporting data and will likely be based on 2018 data. 
  • Financial Assistance: The city will look into ways to help property owners pay for needed upgrades by finding money and support options. 

How It Impacts You

The overall goals are clear, but some details are still being worked out, like the exact reduction targets. There will probably be a grace period before the ordinance takes effect. 

It's unclear how the city will help financially distressed buildings. Buildings currently exempt from the Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency Program will likely remain exempt. 

Ultimately, the department is at the very early stages of developing what this program will look like and many of the conditions will change.  

BOMA/GLA will be engaged in the development process at every step.  

Stay Connected

This topic is a prime example of the insightful presentations and conversations that take place within our Codes and Regulations Committee.  

Members gain valuable knowledge of the processes that directly affect their work and industry. Register here for our upcoming Codes and Regulations Committee meeting on July 11th.  

Stay tuned to BOMA on the Frontline for further updates! 

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