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BOMA International Fights for Federal Support of CRE Friendly Policies 

American Rescue Plan

BOMA International fights for laws and policies that help the U.S. commercial real estate industry at the federal level.  

Here's how they're working for you: 

Disaster Readiness: They support the PREPARE Act (HR 2966). This bill would offer affordable loans to small businesses so they can prepare for disasters. By getting ready beforehand, businesses can bounce back quicker and create more jobs. 

Energy Efficiency: BOMA works with the U.S. EPA's ENERGY STAR program to give building owners data on their energy use. This information helps them make smart choices about energy use and follow government regulations. 

Favorable Loan Programs: BOMA also supports HR 1491, the Small Business Energy Loan Enhancement Act. This bill would increase funding and improve loan terms for small business energy-saving projects.  

This would make energy efficiency investments easier, saving our members money. Help us gain more support by emailing your representatives!  

Your BOMA Membership Makes a Difference 

Part of your BOMA membership dues goes towards their lobbying efforts. 

This lets BOMA International speak for the industry in Washington, D.C., to focus on areas like sustainability, taxes, training workers, and disaster preparedness.  

By working with lawmakers, BOMA helps shape policies that affect commercial real estate and buildings. 

Stay on top of all levels of BOMA advocacy via BOMA on the Frontline.  

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